━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ PLN CDR DRAFT: ISSUE 2 Gleefre ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 1 Issue 2 (PRINT-READ consistency) ══════════════════════════════════ 1.1 Description ─────────────── The Lisp reader uses `find-package' when reading a symbol, which is affected by the /local nicknames/ of the /current package/. That means that to maintain *print-read* consistency when printing a symbol, a good /package prefix/ must be used - such that calling `find-package' on it in the /current package/ returns the /home package/ of the symbol. There are several situations to consider: 1. The symbol is /apparently uninterned/. /In this case it is printed without the package prefix, using the uninterned symbol syntax `#:'./ 2. The symbol is accessible in the /current package/. /In this case it is printed without any package prefix./ 3. The /name/ or one of the /global nicknames/ of the /home package/ of the symbol is not shadowed by any /local nickname/ defined in the /current package/. /In this case that name or global nickname might be used as the package prefix./ 4. There exists a /local nickname/ defined in the /current package/ for the /home package/ of the symbol. /In this case that local nickname might be used as the package prefix./ 5. Both the /name/ and all /global nicknames/ of the /home package/ of the symbol are shadowed by /local nicknames/ of the /current package/, and there is no /local nickname/ defined in the /current package/ for the /home package/. /It is not clear how the symbol is printed, see PROPOSALS./ 1.2 Examples ──────────── ┌──── │ (defpackage #:foo │ (:use) │ (:export #:+)) │ │ (defpackage #:bar │ (:use #:cl) │ (:local-nicknames (#:foo #:cl))) │ │ (let ((*package* (find-package '#:bar))) │ (print 'foo:+)) │ ; >> FOO:+ (sbcl, ccl, ecl, acl, abcl, clasp, lispworks) │ │ ;; In the package #:BAR symbol FOO:+ refers to CL:+ └──── ┌──── │ (defpackage #:foo-a (:use) (:export #:quux)) │ (defpackage #:foo-b (:use) (:export #:quux)) │ │ (defpackage #:bar │ (:use) │ (:local-nicknames (#:foo-a #:foo-b) │ (#:foo-b #:foo-a))) │ │ (let ((*package* (find-package '#:bar))) │ (print 'foo-a:quux)) │ ; >> FOO-B:QUUX (sbcl, ccl, abcl, lispworks) │ ; >> FOO-A:QUUX (ecl, acl, clasp) │ │ ;; In the package #:BAR symbol FOO-A:QUUX refers to FOO-B:QUUX └──── 1.3 Current behavior ──────────────────── sbcl, ccl, abcl, lispworks: When possible, a /local nickname/ is used as a package prefix. ecl, acl, clasp: /Local nicknames/ are never used as a package prefix. 1.4 Proposal SHARPSIGN-DOT ────────────────────────── In the 5th case the symbol is printed using the `#.' syntax: ┌──── │ #.(cl:let ((cl:*package* (cl:find-package "KEYWORD"))) │ (cl:find-symbol "BAR" "FOO")) │ ;; or │ #.(cl:let ((cl:*package* (cl:find-package "KEYWORD"))) │ (cl:intern "BAR" "FOO")) └──── If `*read-eval*' is /false/ and `*print-readably*' is /true/, an error of type `print-not-readable' is signaled. 1.4.1 Note ╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌ Since `#:KEYWORD' cannot be used as a /local nickname/, and no /local nicknames/ can be defined in the `#:KEYWORD' package, this expression is guaranteed to evaluate to the symbol in the correct package. 1.5 Proposal SHARPSIGN-COLON ──────────────────────────── In the 5th case the symbol is printed using the /extended `#:' syntax/: ┌──── │ #:(package name) │ #::(package name) └──── /Shinmera's idea/. 1.6 Proposal SHARPSIGN-BACKQUOTE ──────────────────────────────── In the 5th case the symbol is printed using the new `#`' syntax for reading an expression ignoring /local nicknames/ in the /current package/: ┌──── │ #`foo:bar │ #`foo::bar └──── It can be implemented roughly as follows: ┌──── │ (defun |#`-reader| (stream subchar arg) │ (declare (ignore subchar arg)) │ (let* ((current-package *package*) │ (local-nicknames (package-local-nicknames current-package))) │ (loop for (nick . package) in local-nicknames │ do (remove-package-local-nickname nick current-package)) │ (unwind-protect │ (read stream t nil t) │ (loop for (nick . package) in local-nicknames │ do (add-package-local-nickname nick package current-package))))) │ │ (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\` #'|#`-reader|) └──── It is /implementation-dependent/ whether /local nicknames/ are actually removed from the /current package/ or not. 1.7 Proposal PRINT-UNREADABLY ───────────────────────────── In the 5th case the symbol is printed unreadably using the `#<' syntax: ┌──── │ # │ # └──── (Specifics are /implementation-dependent/.) If `*print-readably*' is /true/, an error of type `print-not-readable' is signaled. 1.8 Proposal THREE-FOUR-PACKAGE-MARKERS ─────────────────────────────────────── In the 5th case the symbol is printed using the extended symbol token syntax: ┌──── │ foo:::bar ; same as (cl:find-symbol "BAR" "FOO") in the #:KEYWORD package │ foo::::bar ; same as (cl:intern "BAR" "FOO") in #:KEYWORD package └──── 1.9 Links ───────── See [CLHS Package Prefixes for Symbols]. [CLHS Package Prefixes for Symbols]